New Wes Anderson Film Features Deadpan Delivery, Meticulous Art Direction, Characters With Father Issues
LOS ANGELES—Fans who attended a sneak preview Monday of critically acclaimed director Wes Anderson's newest project, The Darjeeling Limited, were surprised to learn that the film features a deadpan comedic tone, highly stylized production design, and a plot centering around unresolved family issues."What will he think of next?" audience member Michael Cauley said. "And who could have foreseen the elaborately crafted '60s-era aesthetic, melancholy subtext, and quirky nomenclature—to say nothing of the unexpected curveball of casting Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, and Bill Murray?"
In a recent review, New York Times film critic A.O. Scott also expressed surprise at the film's cutting-edge soundtrack, which features a Rolling Stones song and three different tracks by the Kinks.I thought it very fitting...
I mean... 4 movies with the same basic plot-line, that's one thing but 5! I think he just pushed it a little too far and can't get away with just changing the setting to something quirkier each time he makes a movie. I was going to say that perhaps he should take someone else's story and direct it, forcing him to drop the quirks of his usual plot but when I look at imdb I see that his next work seems to be The Fantastic Mr Fox so I am compelled to shut my whining pie-hole.
1 comment:
Look at that cast! I can't believe they've agreed to be in the latest Wes Anderson film!
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