Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Reaping

Don't read this review if you haven't seen The Reaping! It contains spoilers...

You see, ladies and gentlemen The Reaping has (drum roll, please) a twist ending!!!

Whatever will they think of next? A huge twist at the end that flips the whole film on it's head! How brilliant and original...
That was a little sacastic...
Don't get me wrong, a film has to have some surprises at the end, otherwise it just sort of fizzles out but I am absolutely sick of endings that make you are supposed to make you think "Oh! I'm sooooo shocked! What brilliant innovative wonderously sexy masterpiece of a director made this film? I must know so I can offer myself to him sexually", but alas most twist endings are forced and entirely and completely unnecessary.

This film did not need a twist! (Here come the spoilers), if the silly little bitch at the end had turned out to be Satan as was implied and flat-out said all throughout the film and was just playing a vicious Satan-like trick on the silly cynical cow that starred in this pile of tripe, all would have been good!
Hilary Skank would have then slaughtered an entire innocent village and fled with the child of Satan into Safety! Brilliant!
But, oh no, she has to go and discover the truth that the whole village is evil and in fact God has been punishing them with these plagues and they weren't coming from the little girl... wah wah wah...

If that's the case though, and it was God who was doing all the big magic plague shit, then why did "God" decide to let that priest who was trying to help Skank explode to death in a rather unnatural fireball? That made sense when you thought Satan was up to his old tricks but God wouldn't have done that would he? Maybe God lost his shit for a moment there and forgot how the film was going to end...

I don't know...

I do know this film wasn't as good as it should have been

The Reaping's Website

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