Monday, September 8, 2008


Undead is an Australian film-makers' take on the age old tale of brain eating zombies...

It's not completely typical, and doesn't feature the same old lumbering zombies that we see in many other hundreds of thousands of movies featuring our undead friends (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it is still nice to see some originality spring up from time to time).
The zombies in this film were much more like the bad guys (They weren't zombies!) in Evil Dead. They don't speak though, but they just seem so much more capable and are definitely stronger than your average Bub...

The film-makers clearly have good vision and a fair amount of talent when it comes to getting nice slick looking shots and the gore effects (Which, let's face it, are very important when regarding a zombie flick) are really awesome in places. All the parts are acted well, especially considering this is a fairly low budget film and at first glance I figured they probably spent all their budget on bottles of blood. Altogether a very enjoyable film...

My only complaint (I had to have one) was in the editing. It all felt (especially during "action" scenes) like it was chopped together a bit and was kind of hard to follow exactly who was hitting who or who was running where in certain scenes... I think though, when I think about it, that I've sort of felt the same way about most Australian films I've seen so it's possible that it's just a different "style", or almost like an accent in film-making that makes it just seem a little different and maybe a "typical" British or American film might seem a little weirdly edited to an Australian viewer... maybe? Now that I think about it, sometimes Japanese films are also edited a little strangly, in a completely different way... maybe it is a movie accent thing... a little certain something that different countries' film-makers pick up on when they start making films...

Or maybe this film was confusing because of the sudden arrival of a science fiction plot arriving about half-way through the movie for no reason...


Go see it!

Or like, pick it up from the discount bin at Wal-mart or whatever.

Undead - the movie

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