See how this post is called "Review Of Fight Club"? That's because this is a review of a review of Fight Club. Specifically: this review.
The basic premise of this review seems to be to convince you that the first half of Fight Club is awesome and speaks wonders about the anti-establishment and anti-materialistic way of thinking that Fight Club so rightly tries to depict but goes on to critique the second half because of the way it shows those ideals being accomplished instead of dreamed, comparing them to terrorism and 9/11 style attacks on society!
Well I say the reviewer is a giant pussy-faced cunt! They're belief that the film is admirable for pointing out the Generation-X style depressions of loss of control and loss of identity and the idea that the "things we own end up owning you" and yet believing that when the movie makes the lead characters actually follow through with those dreams and take out the societal diseases that they see as being most responsible for the irresponsible and deplorable life we live just shows that they are exactly the kind of victim that the movie is depicting. They are the lame ass narrator who spends half the movie running around in his underwear rather than the cool Tyler Durden who has ideas, thoughts and is overall the success and everything the narrator wants to be. Truth is, most of us are more like the narrator than Durden but you'd think if you were to review Fight Club and pass as a human being with any kind of free thinking brain in your head you'd realize that, although Durden's way of life isn't exactly easy to pull off or socially acceptable, that it is his belief about life that is correct and not the narrator's IKEA-based reality.
In additon, comparing it to Office Space is fine but let's face it: What questions Office Space began to try to think about answering, Fight Club answered in the opening scene.
And finally (Sorry, this is a disjointed review, whatever) the cock-knocking bitch-hog that wrote the review seems to be of the naive opinion that because the film, and specifically the Fight Clubs themselves within the film, center mainly around a male cast that this means the ideas behind the film only mean anything to men... like a woman has never felt a compulsion to buy a product because they feel it will "complete them" and later (or even at the same time) realized that they don't need the product and were conned by society to want it? In actual fact this part of the many ideas put forward in the film (And possibly among the most prevalant) probably affects women more than men, in general. Stop talking out your ass, reviewer!
This review gets a mere 2 smiley's and one of them is only because it inspired me to want to watch Fight Club again.
I think that he thinks that women, even if they do realize they don't need something, won't have the same reaction.
With some women that is true. Sadly, I think it's a lot of them, because they're all stupid whores.
But the retardeness that is this dude is that he SAYS that Marla sets that attitude up. Or maybe that was the second article I read. But... I hate him. And he's a douche. And he thinks is SOOOOO manly and Chuck is gay and does the reviewer know this and think of it in the same way after. He wrote his first book that couldn't get published from the perspective of a woman, and did a damn fine job. He wrote Fight Club after being rejected 293842 times. And... I hate everyone. These fucking people are going to talk to me.
What's with the Calvin strip (also: most sad picture on the internet, even including the animated gif of Fry's dog) ?
Did you also read that review that claims that Fight Club is a sequel to Calvin & Hobbes?
I did indeed read that review, which is where the Calvin and Hobbes connection comes in! I didn't want to make a direct and obvious connection though, obviously, or else people would get it!
Well, they'll get it now, woops D:
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